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Don't trash your brand: The real impact waste has on your business

By Bertie Lourens 6th June 2019 Social Responsibility


Brand power is today’s superpower. Who you are, what you stand for, and how you operate as a team is equally important to the products and services your company offers. Organisations are spending millions to meticulously curate business models and messages that resonate with the kind of ethical, transparent, and value-entrenched business that consumers currently demand. When strategy effectively aligns with vision, the possibilities are limitless.

But like every super power, brand power has its kryptonite. One formidable enemy to progress is poor waste management. Businesses that choose to cut corners and save costs on waste disposal often find that it comes back to bite them in the end. The impact of unregistered, unprofessional partnerships have bruised brands over time and here is why:

Sustainability is everything

Sustainability is no longer a buzzword but an industry imperative that sways customer loyalty. If your business isn’t committing to a low carbon future, as evidenced through the glass walled world of digital media today, you will fail to gain consumer confidence and the credibility that your business’s future depends on.

Cradle to grave pays off

Consumers increasingly expect their brand of choice to exhibit a high degree of ecological responsibility and accountability. That means, at the very least, they want to know your waste is moving from cradle to grave. By working with unaccredited guys on the street (aka the ‘bakkie brigade’) your disposal costs will no doubt be cheaper, but only a portion of your waste will make it to a landfill. Any material that is considered valueless will be dumped illegally. This reality is not only risky for your brands integrity, it (should) also sit badly with your conscience as a leader in business today.

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Corner-cutting can cost

Tax laws and regulations are getting stickier around matters of corporate compliance making it a non-negotiable to outsource your waste management to a service provider who is accredited, informed, and able to provide a detailed analysis of your waste activities at all times. The risk of incurring penalties for any regulatory oversight or ignorance on your part will far outweigh the benefits of any short - term cost savings.

You can miss the innovation gap

A good leader doesn’t just change the business model, but impacts the organisational culture and shifts the status quo. The more ‘green’ the company’s DNA and intrinsic behaviour, the more innovative they become to push sustainable solutions to market. The more demand they create, the more security they bring to the future business. Of course the opposite also holds true: the more unsustainable a company’s waste practices and partnerships, the less chance there is to survive and shape the future of business.

So don’t be fooled by short - term benefits. As the old saying goes: cheaper always costs you more in the end. Cultivate your brand by investing in solid, sustainable partnerships with a quality, accredited service provider.


Contact us to help understand the real impact waste has on your business. We can help you save money while building your brand.

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Bertie Lourens

Author Bertie Lourens

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