WastePlan Blog

Is your service provider keeping their promise?

Written by Bertie Lourens | Dec 7, 2018 9:53:25 AM

Just before you shut down, stop and ask the question, did our service providers do what we asked them to do?  Specifically when it comes to your waste management service provider, did they deliver on the promises they made?

Here are five good questions that will help you get your answers:

1. Are they reliable?

Can you take annual leave and know that the balls will not drop ? You need to be able to leave it in someone else’s hands and step away, knowing the job is being well handled.

2. Are they comrades, not contractors?

Are they in it to make money at your expense ? You want a service provider who gets rewarded for saving you money. Your client relationship should be collaborative, communicative, honest and transparent.

3. Are they innovative?

Do they only translate to you current solutions, or do they create new ones ? You need a service provider that stays one step ahead of the change. They’re driven and self-motivated and constantly finding opportunities in the gaps.

4. Are you getting regular reporting feedback?

Do you have to continually ask for information? You should have 24-7 access to reliable metrics and valuable insight showing you exactly where and how your waste is being used.

5. Are they growing your business?

Is your growth and your savings important to them? Your service provider must be fully invested in your organisation and taking proactive steps to close the loops on your waste cycles. And at the end of the day, this should show in your bottom line.

So how does your provider measure up? If there’s a question mark around your ‘bang for buck’, give us a call or get in touch here. We would love to partner with you and see your business thrive from a successful and sustainable waste management strategy.